What an honor to have Blackbird included in Charles McNulty’s list of brilliant theatre of the last decade. Proud to know many of the artists and producing entities sited by Mr. McNulty. Congratulations to all.
“Times critic looks forward to a bright future backlit by a decade of brilliant theater.
I had seen “Blackbird,” David Harrower’s disquieting two-hander about a young woman who confronts the man who sexually abused her as a girl, at Manhattan Theatre Club in a production starring Jeff Daniels and Alison Pill. But nothing prepared me for the scalding intensity of Robin Larsen’s 2011 staging of the play at Rogue Machine Theatre. The production (starring the perfectly matched Corryn Cummins and Sam Anderson) cannily exploited the pressure-cooker-like dimensions of this pocket venue.”
Read all of Charles McNulty’s article